You can find his books on AMAZON.COM
Ne’er Do Well: Young Garret Mans started his adult life, as did many young men. He wasn’t sure what he really wanted to do with his life, but he did know he didn’t want to work at something he didn’t enjoy. He became known as a Ne’er-do-well around town because of his proclivity to hunt, fish, and work just enough to have a minimum amount of spending money. His grandfather finally got through to him, and he began, with the encouragement of his girlfriend, to settle down and find a career. He found he liked to be thought of as a ne’er do well or, in country speak, a good ole boy and encouraged those thoughts until, later in life, his secret came out.
The Quiet Man: Tom Porter was a burned-out young National Guard Warrant Officer when he moved to Tooterville in search of peace and quiet. He makes his living taking short tours of active duty for the Guard and is looking for a home and a job to provide income after he retires. He makes friends in the small town and finds the love of his life in the small house next door. His adventures and life in Tooterville make him realize he has found his home and a secure income stream for his retirement.
Rising From The Ashes: John Stennis made the best friend of his life while working to survive the effects of a financially crippling divorce. His friend and the love of a good woman helped him survive the breakup of his first marriage, near financial ruin, and the destruction of his world. John and his family, along with other select individuals, literally rise from the ashes of the destruction of Earth to achieve mankind's greatest dream. Thanks to their saviors incompetent fellow employees, they gain the stars.
The Pioneers: Martin Shackleford lost his wife in an accident and his farm in a lawsuit. A friend slaps some sense into him and he looks for work wherever he can find it. After taking a new job Marty discovered, after entering on duty, that it required a temporal and spatial relocation. Martin finds himself literally changing history while finding a new love and becoming successful once again. Marty and his fellow pioneers revitalize a stagnant society and bring prosperity to their new homeland while keeping the environment clean and life slower and simpler.
The Road to Happiness: Jerrod was and is an enigma. He was a gifted metalworker, a talented cabinet maker, and a finish carpenter. Additionally, he had gone to college and became a brilliant engineer. His future could have been one of moneyed leisure had he applied himself. Instead, he lived in a small town, making a mediocre income. While in high school and just after he had taken almost every welding course he could find and became certified to weld everything from basic steel to aluminum to stainless steel, even cast iron. He worked part-time for many fabrication plants to make money to pay his college tuition. During the summer and many school holidays, he also helped his father in his woodworking shop. Jerrod took a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Missouri. Jerrod worked in the mechanical engineering field for three years after obtaining his degree. Shortly after the end of his third year in his engineering job, his life changed dramatically, and, according to his mother, for the worse. This is his story. You decide if his life is a good one. You decide if he is just getting by or if he has found the Road to Happiness. On his road to happiness, he loves eight women, finding true love with the eighth one.
The Fieldings: Citizen Soldiers: The abbreviated story of four members of a patriotic American family and the strong women who love and support them. Each selected family member faces their own demons, trials, and tribulations while serving their country and living their life to the fullest. From San Juan Hill to the Arabian sands, this family knows what it means to serve. These stories touch on periods in the lives of men who chose to serve their country in the Army.
The Fieldings: Citizen Sailors: A snapshot in the lives of three members of a patriotic American family. Each selected family member faces their own demons, trials, and tribulations while serving their country and living their life to the fullest. From San Juan Hill to the Arabian sands, this family knows what it means to serve. These short stories chronicle a short period in the life of three Fieldings who chose to serve in the U. S. Navy. Join them while they pursue their careers and find that special person to share their lives.
Stealing The Stars: In the near future, terrorism and smuggling continue to increase. The U.S. Air Force is authorized to interdict and escort every incoming flight to a port of entry. If the planes do not follow instructions, they are authorized to shoot them down. One such interdiction mission results in the downing of a bona fide UFO. Almost overnight, the United States and the world obtain technology that allows them to expand to the stars. The search then begins for the homeworld of the aliens who sent the ship to Earth. Finally, years later, an intrepid team of young Space Force members crack the computers in the alien ship, and an expedition takes off on a search for our unwitting benefactors, ultimately forging an alliance with them.
Our Hispanic Angels: Two men discover the treachery of their women and find themselves alone again after a traumatic experience. They face public humiliation and overcome it with the help of other good women, women whom they ultimately marry. Their Hispanic angels help them put their hurt aside, heal, and succeed in life while beginning and raising a family.
Teacher, Light A Shuck, The Old Way Anthology:
The first two short stories in this anthology are about people in the Great Smokey Mountains. The author has outdone himself with these two short, thought-provoking stories presented here for your enjoyment.
Our third story has scenes in the Rocky Mountains and Ozarks.
Thomas (Tom) Eagle, Staff Sergeant (SSG) U.S. Army, is propelled into a new experience after riding his horse into a strange, cold fog. On leave at home after a tour in Afghanistan, he rides into the Smokey Mountains for a short camping trip to unwind from his deployment and never returns. Somehow, he is moved into the past and must make his home there. Being of Native American descent, he is able to assimilate into the society he finds in the mountains and helps change the history of North America and the world. The mountains become a center of learning and civilization for all because of him.
Seth Thompson, a young man born and raised near Gatlinburg, Tennessee, in the Great Smokey Mountains, accidentally kills a man from a wealthy family. No matter if it was an accident, his father was a powerful and vengeful man, so his only option was to run fast and far. He leaves his widowed mother and sets off on the adventure of a lifetime and, in the process, improves his life greatly. He finds the love he didn’t know he missed and builds a future and family to be proud of. Enjoy his travels through this great country as he makes his way west, seeking his fortune and escaping from the father of the man he killed, a man who wronged his family.
Seth Connors left his hometown after an acrimonious split with his fiancee. Rather than stay in the town he grew up in and face unfounded accusations of sexual deviancy, he moved to the Colorado Rocky Mountains and resurrected a gold mine his family owned and operated well into the mid-20th century. After arriving there, he rescues a young Native American woman and her grandparents, developing a relationship with the young woman. Later, the couple takes in a runaway girl. These three young people soon become a family and build a happy life with each other in their secluded little mountain valley.
Wood Nymph. Country Love, The Long Wait Anthology:
Three short, poignant love stories written by a master storyteller about farmers who have not fared well in love. Surprisingly, they find strong love and companionship where they least expect to do so—right on their farms. Each man's inherent kindness causes the women they helped to love them unreservedly. These stories received very high ratings and much praise when first published online.
In Wood Nymph, our heroine Sarah is mistreated by men for years, beginning with her mother’s boyfriends, then men in foster homes, and finally by older men she works for. She ran away from her live-in boyfriend, one of her last foster parent’s sons, when the abuse became too much for her. She tried to live on a riverbank in an old broken-down truck, working when she could, dumpster diving, and raiding gardens for food. A farmer found her seriously ill during a torrential downpour and took her to his home. He nurses her back to health, and she returns the favor when he becomes ill shortly afterward. Soon, their association transforms into a lifetime of love.
In Country Love, our hero is a three-time loser in the game of love. Each of his wives cheated on him. The mother of his children was so bad he was awarded custody of the children in the divorce and had to find a babysitter or nanny. He ultimately hired the younger sister of a good friend. The business relationship morphed into love and marriage.
In The Long Wait, our hero left his small town farmhouse for the big city where he hoped to find a great job and true love. After several setbacks and the death of his parents, he returns home, where he finds everything he searched for in the city
Colony: Ninety-three-year-old Garrett Belvedere, a retired aerospace engineer, was wiling away the remainder of his life in an assisted living facility when he was offered the chance of a lifetime, a chance to return to work and be useful once again. With some trepidation, he agreed to take the newly offered position, a position that could result in his death or a chance to live years longer. His job? Allow himself to be transported to a new colony world where, if he lived, he would be young again. After riots and world upheaval on Earth the colony was abandoned, left alone to survive or not on its own. Years later, Earth tries to reassert dominance but fails. More years pass, and the independent world of Eden agrees to accept new blood, new colonists from Earth who have been drafted for the job. The original colonists have all died, save for a very few. Our new hero, a very unlucky man in his opinion, is sent to Eden, where he finds love and prosperity beyond his wildest dream, breaking his chain of bad luck.
Three short stories by a master storyteller.
In The Bet, two college students bet a third one they can survive and thrive without handouts or assistance from the government. They succeed and thrive, winning their bet and becoming famous and well-to-do over time.
In Building A Dream a young engineer was spending the night in his family cabin when, somehow, he was transported back in time to 1873. He rescues an Indian woman from a bear, an uptime woman from brigands, and a third one from her husband's murderer. As they live their lives together, they introduce modern machinery and petroleum derivatives in their new time stream. Doing this makes them obscenely rich and creates a happy life free of more modern headaches.
Our hero in Rogers Retreat was a hardscrabble, hot-tempered hillbilly womanizer. His temper got him into fights nearly every week. Many of his fights and hijinks were ended by law enforcement and resulted in court appearances. Lee had a penchant for pleasuring other men’s wives, and that got him in trouble once too often, resulting in a Judge giving him the choice of jail or the military. Lee chose the military. After four years in the Marine Corps, Lee returns home, finds love, and builds a successful business with the help of his wife’s grandfather, his wife, and his mother-in-law.
A Second Chance: Three college students find their assigned term paper is more important than they thought. Their research could literally mean life or death, comfort or hardship, depending on how well they perform. Their premature deaths aren't the end of life after all because of a benevolent professor and their innate goodness. With the professor's help, they embark upon an adventure of a lifetime, a chance to build a better world. Follow their life on a new planet. Watch them strive and succeed in a truly civilization-changing task.
Ad Astra: On a dark and lonesome night, a meteor that wasn't crashed to earth on a grieving man's land deep in the Arkansas mountains. Hunting the remains afterward, he finds more than expected and spends years investigating his find and changing the Earth. Along the way, his grief heals, and he becomes revered by humanity, helping lift us from Earth to the stars. He finds love, knowledge, and new friends along the way while building the empire of man in the heavens and on Earth.
Timothy Kimball's Second Life: An eighty-year-old man returns to his childhood hometown for what he believes to be the final time. His trip down memory lane ends with a fall that is similar to one he took when he was four years old. Like before, he awakens in a hospital after the fall. Has he died? Is his life passing in front of his eyes while being judged? The hospital, people, and even his home and small body are just as he remembered them so many years before. Join Tim as he takes his second trip through life and breathes new life into a dead village.
Men and women from Earth find themselves on other Earth-like planets where magic actually works. Some are transported there by unknown persons and means, some transport themselves, but they all have something in common. They are wizards and learn to live and prosper in their new surroundings. They strive to improve life for themselves, their loved ones, and the people in their new world. As time passes, they find and meet each other, as well as a few like-minded native wizards.
Bob was a soldier, a man who cared for his family, his fellow soldiers, friends, and companions. He was also somewhat of an idealist and ethically above reproach. He believed in live and let live but was an implacable foe if you tried to force your belief or way of life onto him or others. Unknown to him, he was selected to be one of many World Walkers, some of whom spread throughout the history of the world. After his first transfer to another world, Bob discovers a startling fact. Not only is he a World Walker, but he is a wizard. Native Americans revere him as the Great Shaman. This story chronicles some of his more memorable adventures during his time as one of those World Walkers. Bob introduces many capabilities in the people he comes in contact with. Some of those capabilities are martial, some mental, introduced by the sharing of his genetic material. During his ‘walks’ he finds many loves, fathers an uncountable number of children and literally helps change the course of the world. From his first ‘walk’ to his last, he does his utmost to help make life safer and better for those he calls friend. Ultimately, Bob leaves his family to protect them, then gathers them together again to protect them.
In Transplanted Wizards, our young gamers, who are all nerds or geeks, are driving home from a gaming session when, somehow, they are transferred to a world with two moons. Unable to return home, they discover the magic they ‘learned’ in their games, allowing them to work and build a good life.
In The Wizard Jon, a biochemist working on Covid 19 vaccine, finds himself in another world after taking an experimental vaccine he hopes will cure the disease. He discovers magical ability and builds a good life for himself while improving the lives of those around him.
In The Wizard Josh, our hero finds himself in a situation similar to Jon’s. A witch is hired to find a wizard for a village and kidnaps Josh from Earth on Halloween Eve to serve as the village Wizard, mistaking his nickname of ‘Wizard’ based on his ability in a laboratory. He, too, settles in and builds a good life in his new location.
Warren, an out-of-work computer nerd, was indulging in one of his favorite pastimes--attending a Renaissance fair--when, on the spur of the moment (and in desperation), he answers an advertisement for a job as a wizard. Little did he know it was an actual job in an impossible field or that it came with a wife! Within minutes of taking the job, he finds himself and his new wife transported to another world where he is thrown into the situation of being a resident magician in his new city of residence. Over the course of years, he grows into his job and makes his new home a better place. During his tenure as a wizard, modern conveniences were introduced, more transported wizards met, and alliances formed.

Another tale of magic and intrigue from the Master storyteller James Maness. Obed, a young wizard, has achieved a Master's level and is sent out into the world to practice his magic. Inexperienced, he runs afoul of the rich merchants in his first hometown and, after a destructive fight, decides to move on in hopes of finding a new, more pleasant home. During his travels, he encounters and fights dragons, brigands, greedy nobles, and corruption. By chance, he encounters other wizards known as World Walkers, who welcome him into their group. They fight corrupt merchants and greedy usurpers to the throne, ultimately restoring the rightful King to his throne. In appreciation, he rewards them with near sovereignty over a portion of his Kingdom, where they establish a near utopia under their stewardship.
In book 5 of the popular Wizards series, two new World Walkers appear. Elroy and his wife Dawna are trying to find their way in the strange world they find themselves in when they meet Warren the Wizard and, through him, more of the World Walkers. The old hands teach them wizardry and help them find a place in their new world. They overcome their sorrows and many obstacles before settling into a new home to begin their life as wizards, helping their new friends build a better world.
In the long-awaited book 6 of the popular series "The Wizards," Elroy and Dawna are flying down the river looking for a place to camp and unwind when they see a glistening object on the riverbank. Investigation shows it to be an aluminum canoe. Further investigation reveals Dawna's brother, long thought to be dead on Earth, living on the riverbank. After a joyful reunion, they take him home and teach him the intricacies of being a wizard. He adapts, and after conquering his teenage angst, Doyle fits into the community where he finds love and his niche in this new world. He adapts Warren's ideas on electricity to his love of cars to build a nascent automobile industry and also forms a teleportation company to move heavy freight long distances.
The long-awaited book seven in The Wizards series. The World Walker's older children have grown up and Bonded together as couples. They form a business exercising their talents and building homes and their lives while facing adversity. Two new World Walkers are discovered and join the group of older wizards. Cindy, one of the World Walkers, makes a world-changing discovery, which they capitalize on.
Bob, the first known World Walker who can move between worlds voluntarily, is unhappy with his current iteration of Earth. He decides to move to another Earth in search of happiness. He settles his affairs on his current world and moves to the new world, where he settles in and makes changes that change the world's history drastically. Discovering he needs help, he returns to his prior world and recruits other World Walkers. Together, they guide the people of North America to a brighter future while holding the European nations who want to colonize North America at bay.
The children and grandchildren of the World Walkers are bored. Like many young people, they do not like working in their parent's business and want to strike out on their own. Some of them, now young adults, decide to do something about their boredom and figure out how to explore outer space. Since their world is technologically deficient, they find ways to use their magical abilities in the exploration. This exploration results in the discovery of aliens and other humans living on a distant world. Ultimately, they do the same thing they rebelled against and enjoy the work, benefiting themselves, humanity, and their new alien friends.
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